Saturday, June 14, 2014

A Fever in my Classroom

"It's the end-of-the-year fever," Little Miss said after I called her to the front of the room after her class erupted during eighth period dismissal.  "Fever, huh?" I responded.  "I guess I need to get the doctor in here," I added as I thought to myself, because this is not going to work unchecked.  With two more weeks of school to go, it is a bit too early for a teacher to be comfortable with any kind of feverish actions in her classroom.

Ah, such are the challenges of teaching public school in Brooklyn.  While I appreciate her candor and wisdom-- seriously, there's a reason why I call her "Little Miss"-- I know that I have to pull out all my tricks to keep my students engaged, relatively quiet and doing the right thing.

Perhaps it was the rough, longer than usual NYC winter.  Or maybe it's the sudden and complete onset of summer with little warning.  Regardless, the children are ready for recess all day long, and that, unfortunately, is not an option.

In these moments, I have to remember to just breathe.  The fever will break subside, the children will learn how to end their first year of middle school successfully, and we will all celebrate when it gets close enough to the last day of school.

Miss M

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