Friday, September 13, 2013

Parental Involvement is Key!

I slept in this morning until 6:45!  This week I've been getting up at 5:25 to train for the Bedstuy 10k, but after yesterday's long day at work I decided to rest. Yesterday was parent-orientation at my school, and of course most of the teachers who showed were sixth grade parents. Awesome!  My estimate is that we say over one third of the sixth grade parents.

Having parental support is key for student and teacher success.  My co-teacher and I spoke to that as we briefly outlined our rigorous Common Core State Standards aligned curriculum, our first unit using Percy Jackson and the Lighting Theif in conjuction with Greek Mythology and informational texts, as well as our indepedent reading initiative. This year I am ecstatic to have a curriculum given to me. I've never had one before in my eight years of teaching, and this one is thorough!  One lesson is eight pages long, and includes relevant homework. That is where parental support comes in. Teachers need parents to sit down with their children, check their planners, make sure they complete their homework and read daily. 

Nonetheless, I find myself excited about this school year.  abeautiful teaching schedule-- I teach all periods of 6th grade ELA with my co-teacher, the grounds for successful inclusion model!-- strong routines in place, involved parents and so far sweet kids.

Miss M

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