Monday, October 13, 2014

Learning to Transition, Personally

Happy Monday!

Lately, something I've been reflecting on deeply lately is transition, making a change and being courageous enough to do so.  While initially I thought of writing this post simply through the lens of transitioning between jobs or careers even, I acknowledge a greater connection for me is making a more personal transition.  Paulo Coelho, the author of Alchemist,  said something that really resonated with me during an interview on Supersoul Sunday.  He said: "Courage is the first spiritual quality that you need to have" and went on to say "If you don't fear the unknown, the unknown will be kind to you."  Now of course this is easier said than done, but I think trusting, having faith, being an optimist, all of those things contribute to good things coming your way.

The last two years have been extreme growth years for me.  I have learned so much about myself, the world, myself in the world, and identified things to actively work on.  One of which is facing confrontations, having hard conversations and doing so with integrity.  This is something I have actively practiced in work situations-- with colleagues, including my former boss-- as well as in my relationships with my former partner, as well as friends and family.  Sometimes it's a serious struggle to form the words to say whatever it is, but I always feel better for it.  Another thing I am practicing is, recognizing when it is time to move on from a situation, and then actively taking steps to do so.  By that I mean, at times I would prefer for new opportunities to just happen, but usually decisions have to be made and acted upon in order for change to manifest.

This post is a little all over the place, but this is a new venture for Learning Style, so I'm accepting that and going with it.  With that said, I am grateful to be blessed with amazing friends, some whom I met in otherwise largely toxic situations, such as my last job.  That just goes to show that truly during each storm there exists the makings of a rainbow.  That I know for sure.  In terms of my nearly five-year relationship that recently ended, I learned a lot about myself and others.  In a way, I came of age during it.  There comes a time when a person has to know, learn, claim their worth and purse it.  The part of me that held on way too long grieves for celebrates the learning opportunities of that time, and over all, all of me feels... right, whole.  Nothing is truly one-sided, even with the "bad," there are good things to learn and take from.  I truly believe that.

The same applies to my career move.  I took a chance by leaving yet another school, and doing so during a time when I am working towards eventually transitioning out of the classroom, and it worked out.  I think the most important thing is to know and trust that there are good things out there.  After that, all that's left is to take action on that trust.

With that said, I recognize that fear can be very powerful, whether it be fear of the unknown or fear if failure.  Regardless, whether pertaining to relationships or career moves, do your best to do your work and get your learning in.  That way, when you do strike out, you'll have learned what you needed to learn in that situation and be all the better for it.  This I'm learning.

Until next time,

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