Tuesday, October 29, 2013

My Color Theory

this post is inspired by a comment left on my blog...

Yes!  I have also come a long way in terms of colors!  As a young person, or rather a young teenage, I placed myself in others' limited view of colors and matching.  I am so happy to be free of that!

I love wearing brown with black:)

as a middle school teacher, i often here that i don't match or how do you match.  i still remmeber my first year teaching self contanied in my little clsasroom overstuffed with all boys and one tough girl, when a boy (who later went on to fashioin school) asked, miss how do you match?  i told him what i heard from stacy and clinton on what not to wear.  i dont match; i go. 

and that truly is my motto.  people who know me well and have seen me go through the process of putting otgether an outfit (sometimes quick sometimes more thoughtful), i abhor matching too much.  strong word i know but i truly dislike common color combinations such as red/white/blue except on fourth of july, orange and black, red and green, ... also yellow and black is like a bumble bee

i also dont like to wear white and black though as.... ive matured. i wore white and black here...

lately ive disocovered the depths of neutrals.  grays, black, navy and brown.  i hardly wear brown because it matches my skin too much, but i love my brown pumps (pictured here and here).  black is over done, but i LOVe charcol gray and navy.  navy is my fsvorite.  like black but not quite.  i love mixing neutrals together (like here) and wearing black with brown.  brown shoes or purse softens the harshness of all black in a lovely way. but a brown often with black shoes will not work!

to end, oen of my best compliments was given to me by my art profession senior year, he said... you live color and that is evident in your owork.  he also said color theory, that some oeple study is intuititve for me.  and it is.

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